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15 Feb, 2008:
Request Tracker Import/Export

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14 Feb, 2008:
After 5 years it was time for a bit of a redesign

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title : BTS Website Management System

At university, one of the groups I was involved with, Backstage Technical Services, had a need. They had a website written, 4 years ago that no-one knew how to keep up to date. Sections of the membership area were breaking as the Computing Services at the University changed their setup over time. As a result I have rewritten the existing code, and added a content management system.

It now uses mod_perl2 and is running on an Apache Web Server I administrate. The previous back end used flat files for storage, the new system uses a file file for some of the initial configuration, and the rest of the information is stored in a MySQL database.

The code is currently live and can be found at


title : Code

While the bulk of the code has now been written there are 3 main sections I am still in the process of writing: The glossary, lighbulb joke archive and gaffer tape archive sections are currently being genericised so theat the code becomes common to all 3; The Equipment database is still in a very basic form, and needs completion;

A Perl Virtual Filesystem is being written to allow the transitive security model model in use with the rest of the site to be extended to cover the files other than the HTML content of the site. All other work, apart from any required bug fixes is on hold until I finish this.

A snapshot of the code, taken on 26 October 2004 can be found at